Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Grab Bag

Title: The Grab Bag
Author: Sheldon Kramer
Illustrator: Diane Greenseid
Name of Student: Althea Morris

Grade Level: Grade 2
CSSM Standard: 1. Make Sense of problem and Persevere in Solving Them.
Summary: Rosa had her birthday party. She made a grab bag and put presents in it for everyone. She names all the things that are in the grab bag. There were whistles, yo-yo, cars and a dog. The children made a chart to show what was in the bag. Each time they grab a present it was marked off. The children were able to show what toys were left in the bag and how many were taken. All the children were happy.
Classroom Connections: Children develop their own representations of numbers by creating graph. They will have a chance to count, compare, process and think
The book lends itself to a lot of interpretation. Children will be planning, formulate and make their own representation.
This could be used to teach a number of topics and there are openings to show differentiation. I see where it could engage the students help them to think when I use the right questions. There are some questions in the book but I would use my own questions.
Rating: 3 Stars

It uses simple words that are within the vocabulary of the children of this age group. Depicts happiness and children will be drawn to it because the children on the cover page seem to be having fun.  

1 comment:

  1. This book seems very interesting. I would not have thought of teaching numbers to young students using this kind of graphic representation. This book, however, makes it seems simple and fun for young children. Also the idea of goody bags at a party could be an engaging opening for a lesson to spark their interests.
